News that Vexes: 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009

News that Vexes

It's so tiresome to read 'new studies' that reveal Smoking, Stress or Obesity are Bad for you. Yet these studies appear all the time. It's time to take back the newswire from so-called Scientists!

Monday, October 05, 2009

For less foot pain, pick sneakers over heels

  • This article is rich with data:
    it's important to pay attention to the shoes that you're buying and make sure they fit
  • for women, wearing "good shoes" reduced the likelihood of having pain in the heel, ankle and lower Achilles tendon

Now let's not be too hard on the researcher, Alyssa Dufour - she's only a graduate student at Institute for Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife in Boston- maybe drop her an email and congratulate her on her dubious debut on News that Vexes. May she have a long career here!